Matias Carpintini.How to generate OG links preview like (for free) with Rails 7Hey hey heyyyyyy Quick article on how to have beauty link previews, just like doesJun 4, 2022Jun 4, 2022
Matias Carpintini.Real Time Notification System with Hotwire, in Rails 7DISCLAIMER Time ago i wrote an article here, on how to build a notifications system with Rails and Redis, from scratch. This new one it’s a…Jun 4, 2022Jun 4, 2022
Matias Carpintini.Spam filtering system — Bayes classifierWhat the f*ck is a Bayes Cassifier?Jun 4, 2022Jun 4, 2022
Matias Carpintini.How to SignIn with an Email — Ruby on Rails and DevisePasswords are a problem for users. A good practice to skip this is by sending an access link to your account by email, that link has a…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Matias Carpintini.How to build a content recommendation engine with Ruby on RailsJust to give you some context, we were working on the new Diabecarp App a few days ago. I can’t talk much about the new features, but I am…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Matias Carpintini.Real Time Notification System with Sidekiq, Redis and Devise in Rails 6In this post, we are going to talk a lot about asynchronous functions, something very fashionable nowadays, but not so much just a few…Sep 28, 2020Sep 28, 2020
Matias Carpintini.Historia de DiabecarpEste proyecto nació un 12 de Febrero del 2018. Yo tenía unos 15 años, hace un tiempo había comenzado a programar. Hasta darme cuenta que…Jan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020